“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” (Matthew 5:9, ESV)
The word εἰρηνοποιός is found only once in the Bible. It means one who endeavors to reconcile persons who are estranged or have disagreements, whether individually or collectively.
In every English version of the Bible, the Greek word is translated peacemakers.
It is not translated peaceful or peacekeepers, but peacemakers, implying it is a work to be done where there is existing conflict.
It refers to those who make it their objective to make peace where there is war, to reconcile those who are estranged from one another.
It is a loving act of obedience when Christians love God with all their hearts, their minds, their souls, and their strength, and when they love their neighbors as their own selves.
It’s quite another thing to be a peacemaker, to lay down our lives for that purpose, like the Son of God did.