Psalm 15:1 (ESV): O Lord, who shall sojourn in your tent? Who shall dwell on your holy hill?
The Psalm opens with a question that is answered in the remaining verses. Who will be a guest of God’s gracious hospitality? In the modern world, the belief that anyone can enter God’s presence on the basis of their being “God’s child,” is dangerously prevalent. Modern man is ironically very much like his ancestors from antiquity who made their gods in the likeness of themselves. If this notion were true, God must be tolerant and accepting of everyone.
God is not accessible to sinners. As C. H. Spurgeon noted, “On the grounds of law no mere man can dwell with God, for there is not one upon earth who answers to the just requirements mentioned in the succeeding verses.“ So before exploring the answers, may God give us grace to really contemplate the question. Who will be allowed to “sojourn” in the tent of God and “dwell” in his holy hill? Said another way, who is actually going to heaven?