“Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name. Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you.” -Psalm 33:20–22
Concluding with a reassertion of his own faith in the Lord, David provides three ways in which the people of God express their faith in God: they wait in patient expectation, rejoice in his faithfulness, and pray for his love to be upon them.
In the first expression, they wait for the Lord because he alone is their help and security. He is not plan B, turning to him only after all else fails. He is plan A and there is no alternative or backup plan.
In the second expression, they are glad in him because he is trustworthy. His holy name indicates he is clean and righteous, without guile or deceit. What he says, he will do (i.e., word and work are inseparable and reliable).
In the third expression, the people of God pray for his faithful lovingkindness (i.e., steadfast love) to be upon them because their hope is placed exclusively in him. As an inclusion to verse 20, they are confident he will save them and they are looking only to him.