“How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings.” -Psalm 36:7
What brilliant poetry describing the goodness of God. David moves from using metaphors of immensity (vs. 6) to using metaphors of intimacy, showing the full range of applications of God’s goodness. His steadfast love (i.e., lovingkindness, faithfulness) is precious.
The Hebrew word used for precious is also translated as costly, valuable, prized, honorable or as in Esther 1:4 as splendor: “while he showed the riches of his royal glory and the splendor and pomp of his greatness for many days, 180 days.”
Finally, David uses a zoomorphism (attributing animal characteristics to non-animals, like God; wings) to describe both the intimacy and humility of our salvation. Both Boaz (Ruth 2:12) and Jesus (Matthew 23:37) use this metaphor in similar intimate and salvific contexts.
How precious is our salvation which saves us from our sins, our enemies, and comforts us in the safety of God’s covering presence.