You could create value in the world.
You could create more noise.
You could create a warm memory.
You could create a painful one.
You could create better relationships.
You could create division.
You could create life.
You could create death.
You could create chaos.
You could create order.
You could create peace.
You could create war.
You could create something beautiful.
You could create ugliness.
You could create truth.
You could create falsehoods.
You could create goodness.
You could create something bad.
You could create health.
You could create sickness.
You could create wealth.
You could create poverty.
You just can’t create nothing.
By virtue of it’s definition, it doesn’t exist.
Now, by choosing to not create anything, you are choosing to create a void.
A void is emptiness; and emptiness is the opposite of fulfillment.
Creating is a fundamentally fulfilling human endeavor that potentially leads to human flourishing depending on what you choose to create.
What are you creating today?