Summer is almost over, and Fall is just around the corner. It’s a time of the year, a lot like the New Year, when folks tend to reboot and get serious about their schedules and personal disciplines again.
For example, school is starting back, so parents are shopping for school clothes, enrolling the kids in a new school (or purchasing this year’s homeschool curriculum). They’re scheduling sports physicals, attending school orientations, and planning numerous other school-related details.
It’s also a time when folks tend to renew personal disciplines again. After a summer filled with trips and excursions, they revisit the budget (and the overtime schedule); they recommit to the gym and return to regular church life.
These are good things, of course, but trying to get back into a healthy rhythm of life can be daunting–unless you know where to start. That’s where I might be able to help.
It all starts with your spiritual walk. Everything else revolves around this.
So, in an effort to help you cultivate this central part of your life, the hub from which all other parts revolve, I’d like to introduce you to a free devotional series I’m reviving called Crumbs from our Master’s Table.
These short readings are morsels of inspiring truth you can consume in a minute, and then chew on all day long.
Check out the primer for the series; it’s yours free. If you find it inspiring or insightful, be sure to click the orange button at the end of the ebook that says, “Get Crumbs from our Master’s Table FREE.”
Then be sure to let me know what you think in the comments.