“Now I know that the Lord saves his anointed; he will answer him from his holy heaven with the saving might of his right hand. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. They collapse and fall, but we rise and stand upright.” -Psalm 20:6–8
David acknowledges where his real confidence should lie and it does.
The present tense of “saves” indicates the Lord is aware and actively engaged in David’s approaching “day of trouble.” His ear and mighty right hand transcends what appears to be the spatial void between God’s holy heaven and the earth where David’s battle is about to take place. Therefore, while some kings place their confidence in the technology of the day (chariots and horses), David’s knows that doesn’t matter, ultimately.
What does matter is what David knows. He knows the Lord has covenanted with Israel, to be their God, and they his people. He knows the Lord has called him to lead Israel like a shepherd leads his flock. He knows the Lord has been with him all his days, from the lions he killed on a Judaean hillside watching after sheep to Goliath, the giant he slew in the valley of Elah. He knows what the outcome of this battle will be as well.
This is knowledge learned by experience. He knows the Lord and trusts in his name. Just as every time before, this time also his enemy will collapse and fall, but Israel will walk away the victors of this impending battle and be remain upright as a living testimony of God’s uprightness.