Writing, or content creation, is a lot like picking raspberries. If one picks the bushes clean of its best fruit every evening, like magic, when he returns the following evening he’ll find the bushes loaded with ripe fruit again. It will be as if the bushes had never been picked. With proper water and sunshine, this fruitful ritual will continue for the entire raspberry season.
By the way, what water and sunshine are to raspberry bushes, reading, personal experience, and curated content consumption (podcasts, etc.) are to writers.
Writers who trust the process by regularly watering their garden and who show up each day to write their best work, will continue to find more ripe fruit to pick the next day. This fruitful ritual can continue for the entire season of his writing life. It’s when one stops writing daily that the fruit of imagination dries up and the harvest comes to an end.
Keep writing every day and before you know it, the ripe fruit you pick in daily portions will quickly accumulate into an abundance. It’s in that accumulation of abundance that you’ll find some of your freshest, sweetest work.