In Stephen King’s 1983 horror novel, Pet Sematary, Jud Crandall, a father-figure to Louis Creed, the story’s protagonist, tells Louis after they buried Church, the Creed’s cat, in the Micmac Burial Ground, not to talk to anyone about it.
Crandall tells him he just needs to accept what has been done and to follow his heart:
“And the things that are in a man’s heart—it don’t do him much good to talk about those things, does it? . . . No, . . . It don’t. . . . They are secret things. Women are supposed to be the ones good at keeping secrets, and I guess they do keep a few, but any woman who knows anything at all would tell you she’s never really seen into a man’s heart. The soil of a man’s heart is stonier, Louis—like the soil up there in the old Micmac burying ground. Bedrock’s close. A man grows what he can . . . and he tends it” ‘Cause what you buy, is what you own. And what you own… always comes home to you.”
Interestingly, Crandall gives the advice while he’s under the influence of the Wendigo, a demonic half-beast in Algonquian lore.
And as everyone who’s read the book knows, it doesn’t work out so well for any of them.
It doesn’t in real life either!
“Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.” (Proverbs 4:23)