“We know that Christ, being raised from the dead, will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him.” -Romans 6:9
All humanity lives under the dominion of Death. In the modern world, humanity seeks to elude Death at all costs. They are obsessed with their god Progress and with progress’s priest, Science, whom they believe will ultimately deliver them from Death’s dominion. But such idolatrous pursuits are a fool’s errand. The wages of sin is Death and Death will continue to rule over Adam’s race as it has since the fall.
But Christ, in taking on a human body, submitted himself to Death’s power and then crushed it permanently at his resurrection. Having freed himself from the dominion of Death, by virtue of the power of his righteousness, he now, by that same power, frees all his people from Death’s clutches.
All who, by faith in progress, pursue eternal life will be dismally disappointed. But all who by faith in Christ, pursue eternal life, will be justified, sanctified, and glorified. They will not be disappointed but pleasantly surprised by the glory that shall be revealed in them on that day (Romans 8:18).