And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. -Romans 8:23
The first clause distinguishes our human redemption from the redemption of the non-human creation which also shares in our groaning. This does not mean there are two kinds of redemption or two parts of redemption. Paul is simply emphasizing one part of creation and then the other.
We who groan along with creation have the firstfruits of the Spirit. The firstfruits of the Spirit refers to the earnest payment God has made on our redemption by giving us the Holy Spirit while we wait for the full harvest of redemption (Ephesians 1:13-14). Paul uses the metaphor of the firstfruits to illustrate how like at harvest time the first fruits are brought to the priests, then the full harvest is completed; so it is with our redemption. What God started by giving us the Spirit will be effected by God’s Spirit and completed when he resurrects our bodies.
Though we walk in the Spirit with hopeful anticipation for the full adoption process to be completed, for now we groan inwardly because we are still in the process of mortifying sin in our flesh. That full adoption of sons is the finished redemption of our beings, which means our bodies must die so they can be resurrected in perfection. Then we will be whole.