“I will give to the Lord the thanks due to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord, the Most High.” -Psalm 7:17
The Psalm ends with David promising to thank the Lord for his deliverance, a deliverance based solely on God’s righteousness. Though the deliverance is not yet realized, the thanksgiving is. Additionally, David promises to praise the name of the Lord.
Christians have every reason to display this kind of confidence in Christ and every reason to praise his name. Like the Reformer, John Calvin, noted, “God does not shut up or conceal his righteousness from our view in the secret recesses of his own mind, but manifests it for our advantage when he defends us against all wrongful violence, delivers us from oppression, and preserves us in safety, although wicked men make war upon us and persecute us.
Why then should we shut up or conceal our thanksgiving and praise?
Phyllis Wilson says
Timely message for today. We are all fatigued from the events swirling around us right now. Yet our deliverance is based solely on God’s righteousness. He is faithful isn’t He?
Scott Postma says
He is, indeed. The peace of Christ be upon you and yours, Phyllis.